Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Unknown Said...

The leader of our nation is unreasonable and driven by revenge and hatred.

How convinced are you of Bush's commitment to peace? Do you believe that the actions were taken because his hand was forced?

If you were a believer....not anymore.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Unknown Said...

Pay At The Pimp

Unknown Said...

The Gears Of War ad is... interesting.

Aside from showing off what was reported to be 
"real time render GAME engine graphics" 
it also sported and emotional approach to the music. 
Gary Jules' Mad World was tapped to add some
mood setting juxtaposition to the ad.  This
game is taking itself a bit serious.  But seriously,
it looked pretty damned impressive.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Unknown Said...

File Under WTF

Monday, October 16, 2006

Unknown Said...

Metallicorphan, Thank You!

It came.  It's here and it works.  It works beautifully.  Best of all, it's in English.  Freakin' Sweet.  Your Item is on its way.  We packaged the living poo out of it.  It's not bulletproof but it might survive a plane crash, shipwrick, or mild incendiary device.  Perhaps I over state it.  In any case, its coming.  It had a pamphlet in it which lead me to this.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Unknown Said...

After seeing this you'll think anything's possible.

Thanks to Digg.com and Youtube.com for bringing this abberation to my attention.
I thought I'd seen it all. I've seen a lot. This, however, makes me question everything I know. Maybe Scientology is the one true religion. Maybe it isn't horrible for a government to obfuscate the truth to garner support for a war of hidden agendas. Maybe I'm gay.

Unknown Said...

Industry Facts from the ESA.


1. U.S. computer and video game software sales grew four percent in 2005 to $7 billion -- a more than doubling of industry software sales since 1996.

2. Sixty-nine percent of American heads of households play computer and video games.

3. The average game player is 33 years old and has been playing games for 12 years.

4. The average age of the most frequent game buyer is 40 years old. In 2006, 93 percent of computer game buyers and 83 percent of console game buyers were over the age of 18.

5. Eighty-five percent of all games sold in 2005 were rated "E" for Everyone, "T" for Teen, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+. For more information on ratings, please see www.esrb.org.

6. Eighty-seven percent of game players under the age of 18 report that they get their parents’ permission when renting or buying games, and 89 percent say their parents are present when they buy games.

7. Thirty-five percent of American parents say they play computer and video games. Further, 80 percent of gamer parents say they play video games with their kids. Sixty-six percent feel that playing games has brought their families closer together.

8. Thirty-eight percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (30%) than boys age 17 or younger (23%).

9. In 2005, 25 percent of Americans over the age of 50 played video games, an increase from nine percent in 1999.

10. Forty-four percent of game players say they play games online one or more hours per week. In addition, 32 percent of heads of households play games on a wireless device, such as a cell phone or PDA, up from 20 percent in 2002.

I dunno if the ESA is full of shit or not but I hope not.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Unknown Said...

C'MON!!!! ENOUGH with the stupid parents already!!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Unknown Said...

There IS a god!

His name is Danny Elfman and he returns on October 20th... in 3D!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Unknown Said...

I posted this from my NDS.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

EZMezzo Said...

Team Engrish HG Forums Fixed

I didn't realize until yesterday that the Team Engrish Forums were broken, and not allowing posts until Whackly informed me that it was down yesterday. I decided it was time to pull out the troubleshooting hat and get down into SQL to fix the error. ALAS, the forum is fixed now! Hizzuh!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Unknown Said...

Google Image Search Never Fails

Due to something else that happened recently I went a-googlin. I was searching for pictures to go with some jokes about Frog Cock. After a minute or two I was much more interested in the results of my searches than actually following through with a post full of phallic herpetology jokes. So down with the gag and up with reality. The following are some of the first page highlights from my Google Image searches:

Searched: Frog Cock

Found: http://www.sporetemple.com/thequeue/thequeue001.gif

Searched: Frog Penis

Found: http://www.fajnradio.cz/files/gallery/fajnteam%20a%20crazy%20frog.jpg


I also found this, but for God's sake don't click on it at work... or if you are offended by poor taste. Keep in mind, I have the Search Safe filters turned off! Also... Stu... I thought you didn't do nude pics!?

Monday, October 02, 2006

EZMezzo Said...

Better Late Than Never

OK, So I was Tagged by Whackly a while ago, and although this is late, I guess it is something...

I am thinking about: How summer always goes by too fast. I hate winter. Maybe I should move to the tropics.
I want to: Be able to be in the position to wake up each morning and be able to do whatever I want to do not HAVE to do.
I wish: I had the ability to be able to stop and smell the roses better.
I hear: The rumble of thunder in the distance.
I wonder: How is it that gas prices can decrease even though output costs increase? The laws of economics should apply, unless 3.50 a gallon is an artificial price fix. Stupid OPEC.
I regret: That Dusty Baker got fired for being manager of a crappy baseball team. It wasn't his fault.
I am: A bit sleepy because it is dark and stormy out. Good lazy-ing around weather.
I dance: Not as much as I use to...
I sing: Weirdly annoying little ditties that get into Whackly's head too. Damn catching annoying tunes.
I cry: As much as Whackly
I make with my hands: Nothing cause I'm not artistic like that. :(
I write: Lots of complex software code. Most people's eyes roll into the back of their head after the first minute of me explaining what I do.
I need: Nothing really....world peace? or is that too cliche?
And finally: to quote Paul Harvey, now you've heard the rest of the story...
Unknown Said...

Am I wrong or is the ADUIQ going down?

Recently this post appeared on Digg.com. I rarely comment on Digg. To be honest I rarely digg or bury a story. I usually just observe. I wanted to comment in, this case, because it seemed the Diggerals (Digg Liberals), with whom I usually sympathize, were attacking one of their own. It would appear that my input wasn't agreed with either. I'm pretty sure that the ADUIQ (Average Digg User I.Q.) is going down. It's really too bad. It's not like it's making Digg unuseable or bad in any way. It just cements my choice to comment rarely and contribute... never. Also, the Nazi analogy is just plain OVERDONE. Sheesh. Nazi's didn't present a plan and ask people for a mandate. Using the fact that Nazis came to power through elections might be relevant if we were discussing the current administration's rise to power and subsequent actions (justified by a mandate from the people coerced by fear and misinformation). However, using the Nazi's electoral beginnings as an argument against someone who is advocating working to change the country with votes rather than violence is vile.

***by analyze on 9/30/06
+ 0 diggs

Sarcasm intended: "Let us tolerant, compassionate, and understanding Democrats go out and scream our vicious hatred and unbridled rage, because we want to show the world we care!"


***by sh0k 20 hours ago
- 20 diggs

Democrats are incompetent in the face of fascism.

This march is NOT about democrats.

***by L0t3k 19 hours ago
+ 3 diggs

And a lovely sales pitch for non-violent protest....

"No Work", "No School"

No dice.

***by Whackly 19 hours ago
+ 0 diggs

I dunno why sh0k is being dug down. He's right. You're all aware of the bills that passed this week. We can all blame G.W. but those bills would not have passed without the support of the chicken-shit democrats who are afraid to appear soft on terror or unpatriotic by not buckling under the will of the President. The votes weren't even close. I can't stand our current administration. I think it is evil. The democrats, however, are spineless and cowardly.

***by kankerfist 19 hours ago
- 6 diggs

When a group of people want to drive out, rather than vote out, a government that has been established and voted upon by the majority of a country's populace, they sacrifice their desire for democracy to the arrogance that makes them think they are more important than the Will of the People. I just hope for their sake that lesson in American history doesn't happen to be taught in any schools on the 5th...

***by Persol 19 hours ago
+ 17 diggs

"When a group of people want to drive out, rather than vote out... they sacrifice their desire for democracy"

You realize that the Nazi party got to power through the popular vote? Fact is, people can't tell the future. When you elect a government you assume they will act a certain way.

We were wrong.

If a government is performing actions you feel are damaging your country (or killing others and misrepresenting your country) it is your duty to try and stop it.

***by SonnyW 19 hours ago
+ 7 diggs

Democracy shouldn't mean you get to vote for a new dictator every 4 years.

***by Whackly 18 hours ago
- 2 diggs

The Nazi Party came to power by using "hot button" issues and buzzwords to arouse and control the emotions of the people. They didn't present an agenda and ask people to reason through it and agree with them. They didn't use debate, transparency, and ernest communication to allow people to follow their own lines of deductive reasoning and decide whether or not to agree. They told people what to think and then used an emotional trick to influence how receptive the people were to the idea. If you need an example of what I'm talking about please note the gentleman above who used mention of the Nazi party to influence you to agree with his pro-anarchy argument. He actually attacked a pro-democracy argument. So am I to assume that the people that agreed with him are anti-democracy or anti-Nazi? You tell me.