Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Unknown Said...

C'MON!!!! ENOUGH with the stupid parents already!!!


Blogger metallicorphan said...

holy shit....maybe the parents would like their kids to see their first nude in some fine porno instead

may i suggest 'perverts of the caribbean'

i dont know what the big deal is,the kids see the nude,make jokes,laugh and move on...its part of growing up..isnt it?

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my sis and i were talking about kids either being exposed to nudity when they are young, versus seeking out nudity when they are young. i used to look at my friend's dad's nudie magazines when i was in 5th grade. it was weird and interesting and i don't think it hurt me one bit. i was still clueless as hell, and still was afraid of sex.
would i rather my child see a porno mag or a scultpure...gee that's a tough one. stupid fuckers. and guess what kids, you and all your peers have naked bodies under your clothes, and chances are you've looked at your own naked body. ooooh aaaaaaah. i hate people.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

yeah! parents! grrr

4:09 PM  
Blogger shorty said...

Most parents are well intentioned. There's a limit I agree. Those who shelter their kids too much are doing a diservice to them. These over-sheltered kids are going to grow up and go crazy, like a kid in a candy store. Especially when it comes to things of this nature.
I agree. WTF - a sculpture? Get real parents, you're creating monsters.

10:04 PM  

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