Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Unknown Said...

File Under WTF


Blogger shorty said...

I'm a strong proponent of 'to each his own' but DAMN!!!!! OMG. I'm just....disgusted.

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, the menstrual blood obviously works. I mean, you are still talking to me after all these years.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you really have a knack for searching for just the right thing to gross people out. i thought that metallicorphan talking about was just a joke, but for real, don't go there. (severe shudder and gagging noises)just thinking about it gags me. but i must say i am surprised that you would read about bodily fluids especially with your aversion to anything tampon or period related. hahaha. lshiasomt!!

4:41 PM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

sorry frankles...didnt mean to put you off your food...its kind of like an 'in' joke at where i work,everybody knows about it

4:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

omg... i mean... i always knew it was out there... i'd heard of the chinese omelet... but i had no idea that there would even be sub-genres of shiteating...

5:07 AM  
Blogger scecina said...

Well, thats about the most fucked up thing Ive seen all week, and I had to read that fucked up as hell. Sometimes i miss the good ole lucas arts forums, sometimes I dont. Cocaine is a hellofa drug.

7:59 AM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

same old big dogg,lol

3:02 AM  

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