Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Unknown Said...

Google Image Search Never Fails

Due to something else that happened recently I went a-googlin. I was searching for pictures to go with some jokes about Frog Cock. After a minute or two I was much more interested in the results of my searches than actually following through with a post full of phallic herpetology jokes. So down with the gag and up with reality. The following are some of the first page highlights from my Google Image searches:

Searched: Frog Cock

Found: http://www.sporetemple.com/thequeue/thequeue001.gif

Searched: Frog Penis

Found: http://www.fajnradio.cz/files/gallery/fajnteam%20a%20crazy%20frog.jpg


I also found this, but for God's sake don't click on it at work... or if you are offended by poor taste. Keep in mind, I have the Search Safe filters turned off! Also... Stu... I thought you didn't do nude pics!?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that was sad. i really just went, "ooooooh..." in a sad, pathetic, i-feel-for-his-woman-sympathy cry. poor woman. hahahhaa

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only do them if I feel it will be artistic. hence, the photo you found.

12:50 AM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

crazy frog is a cock...i hate that bastard!!!

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just looked at sporetemple.com - there's great stuff there!!

10:40 PM  

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