Monday, October 02, 2006

EZMezzo Said...

Better Late Than Never

OK, So I was Tagged by Whackly a while ago, and although this is late, I guess it is something...

I am thinking about: How summer always goes by too fast. I hate winter. Maybe I should move to the tropics.
I want to: Be able to be in the position to wake up each morning and be able to do whatever I want to do not HAVE to do.
I wish: I had the ability to be able to stop and smell the roses better.
I hear: The rumble of thunder in the distance.
I wonder: How is it that gas prices can decrease even though output costs increase? The laws of economics should apply, unless 3.50 a gallon is an artificial price fix. Stupid OPEC.
I regret: That Dusty Baker got fired for being manager of a crappy baseball team. It wasn't his fault.
I am: A bit sleepy because it is dark and stormy out. Good lazy-ing around weather.
I dance: Not as much as I use to...
I sing: Weirdly annoying little ditties that get into Whackly's head too. Damn catching annoying tunes.
I cry: As much as Whackly
I make with my hands: Nothing cause I'm not artistic like that. :(
I write: Lots of complex software code. Most people's eyes roll into the back of their head after the first minute of me explaining what I do.
I need: Nothing peace? or is that too cliche?
And finally: to quote Paul Harvey, now you've heard the rest of the story...


Blogger Unknown said...

Medical Hooker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to see you are still alive mezzo. thought you'd gone into a video gaming seizure causing spastic diarreah, so you couldn't leave your crapper. unless of course you just ran out and got your laptop and are still spastic. either way, it works for me, i can't smell you.

8:50 PM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

Yea, Seizure is about right. Only one game does that to me, and that is that Perfect Dark Zero...which sucks, cause I like it, but can't play it for extended periods.

Whackly has been getting on me to post more too. I need to do better!

12:06 PM  

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