Monday, October 02, 2006

Unknown Said...

Am I wrong or is the ADUIQ going down?

Recently this post appeared on I rarely comment on Digg. To be honest I rarely digg or bury a story. I usually just observe. I wanted to comment in, this case, because it seemed the Diggerals (Digg Liberals), with whom I usually sympathize, were attacking one of their own. It would appear that my input wasn't agreed with either. I'm pretty sure that the ADUIQ (Average Digg User I.Q.) is going down. It's really too bad. It's not like it's making Digg unuseable or bad in any way. It just cements my choice to comment rarely and contribute... never. Also, the Nazi analogy is just plain OVERDONE. Sheesh. Nazi's didn't present a plan and ask people for a mandate. Using the fact that Nazis came to power through elections might be relevant if we were discussing the current administration's rise to power and subsequent actions (justified by a mandate from the people coerced by fear and misinformation). However, using the Nazi's electoral beginnings as an argument against someone who is advocating working to change the country with votes rather than violence is vile.

***by analyze on 9/30/06
+ 0 diggs

Sarcasm intended: "Let us tolerant, compassionate, and understanding Democrats go out and scream our vicious hatred and unbridled rage, because we want to show the world we care!"


***by sh0k 20 hours ago
- 20 diggs

Democrats are incompetent in the face of fascism.

This march is NOT about democrats.

***by L0t3k 19 hours ago
+ 3 diggs

And a lovely sales pitch for non-violent protest....

"No Work", "No School"

No dice.

***by Whackly 19 hours ago
+ 0 diggs

I dunno why sh0k is being dug down. He's right. You're all aware of the bills that passed this week. We can all blame G.W. but those bills would not have passed without the support of the chicken-shit democrats who are afraid to appear soft on terror or unpatriotic by not buckling under the will of the President. The votes weren't even close. I can't stand our current administration. I think it is evil. The democrats, however, are spineless and cowardly.

***by kankerfist 19 hours ago
- 6 diggs

When a group of people want to drive out, rather than vote out, a government that has been established and voted upon by the majority of a country's populace, they sacrifice their desire for democracy to the arrogance that makes them think they are more important than the Will of the People. I just hope for their sake that lesson in American history doesn't happen to be taught in any schools on the 5th...

***by Persol 19 hours ago
+ 17 diggs

"When a group of people want to drive out, rather than vote out... they sacrifice their desire for democracy"

You realize that the Nazi party got to power through the popular vote? Fact is, people can't tell the future. When you elect a government you assume they will act a certain way.

We were wrong.

If a government is performing actions you feel are damaging your country (or killing others and misrepresenting your country) it is your duty to try and stop it.

***by SonnyW 19 hours ago
+ 7 diggs

Democracy shouldn't mean you get to vote for a new dictator every 4 years.

***by Whackly 18 hours ago
- 2 diggs

The Nazi Party came to power by using "hot button" issues and buzzwords to arouse and control the emotions of the people. They didn't present an agenda and ask people to reason through it and agree with them. They didn't use debate, transparency, and ernest communication to allow people to follow their own lines of deductive reasoning and decide whether or not to agree. They told people what to think and then used an emotional trick to influence how receptive the people were to the idea. If you need an example of what I'm talking about please note the gentleman above who used mention of the Nazi party to influence you to agree with his pro-anarchy argument. He actually attacked a pro-democracy argument. So am I to assume that the people that agreed with him are anti-democracy or anti-Nazi? You tell me.


Blogger Unknown said...

so... either nobody read my big long post or everybody thinks i'm wrong and nobody wants to tell me.... great

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. no, i usual i agree with what you are saying. i think you stated more fact than the other digg people wanted to have to look up cuz they don't know shit about it. everyone can talk outta their asses and hope noone beyond their brain level reads it and knows that they talk outta their ass. for example: before i met you, i talked outta my ass a LOT and knew i could get away with it. oh, and i still do, just not to you. LOL!
it was long though, geez.

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always think you're wrong. Telling you every time is just redundant.

Actually, I was wondering if I was more pissed the people on that blog or you for getting me to read that much of it.

12:52 AM  

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