Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Unknown Said...

I can't decided if my mind's inventions suck or blow.

Over the past few days I've had some idea that I thought were good. They apparently aren't. One was for a golf/puzzle video game and another for a website that promotes common courtesy by giving people coupons for $10 gift certificates from sponsors so they can hand them out as random appreciation for courteousness. I thought one of these ideas would make me a million dollars but I was kidding myself. After having opened an email containing the above photo I realized that my mind's inventions will never... NEVER... come close to living up to a cat in a paper sack with "Wookie Armor" written on it. What was I thinking?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor wookies. they get some crap armor. no wonder you don't see any of them around anymore.

6:43 PM  

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