Monday, April 17, 2006

EZMezzo Said...

XM Radio Going Commercial

This topic makes me a little upset. For the last year ( since I bought my new car)...I have been a happy XM Radio Customer, and even dropped the money down for a 3 year subscription. The fact that I was able to get radio content commercial free was the best thing that has happened to radio in years. But as of today XM Radio has changed it's format, so that all Clear Channel feeds will now carry commercials. This is an upsetting development...If I wanted to hear commercial radio, I would just turn it to FM. What is the point of paying a subscription fee to listen to commercials? So sadly, the Mix, and Kiss will channels 21 and 22 will be leaving my listening lineup for good. Someday soon I will be saying to some young whipper snapper "remember when XM had commercial free radio?" ...sort of like the generation before me saying "remember when MTV had videos?" Damn, I feel old. :(


Blogger Something dirty said...

I hope subscription radio fails. Or at least doesn't become widespread. Local radio is more useful, news, weather, whatever.

I remember when MTV had videos, but we didn't get MTV cuz I lived in a tiny tiny town.

10:14 AM  

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