Friday, April 14, 2006

Unknown Said...

Why can't anybody just o far enough? Why does everyone have to go too far?

I wish I had some more information about this. If anybody knows what this is all about (Like AOASUS who has probably seem something on this in the local news) I'd sure like to hear some details. What caught my attention about this article was the fact that the action of arresting people for being drunk INSIDE THE BAR, before they even attempted or announced an intention to drive, was supported by Mothers Against Drunk Driving. So M.A.D.D. doesn't just want to prevent you fron drinking and driving. They want goverment agents to arrest you merely for drinking. It would seem that they are exceeding the orignal mandate of the organization. It's not the first time. M.A.D.D. and the other A.D.D. orginazations are also lobbying in all 50 states for stricter seatbelt rules, enforcement, and punishment. They have begun to lobby against people who use cell phones while driving. In one story I read R.A.A.D.D. were lobbying for higher fines, stricter enforcement, and lower thresholds for laws concerning how loud your car stereo can be. Soon they will begin to lobby that the interior of your car must be kept at 70 degrees. Why can't they use the money they've been donated to make a difference in reducing drunk driving? Why don't they promote public transit? Why don't give ride share vouchers out at bars in cities where there are taxicabs? Why don't they support bars who choose not to overserve or fund programs like one I saw in Chicago once where the bar had free private valet parking but wouldn't give you your keys back if they suspected you were intoxicated. You know... why don't they encourage people to take personal responsibility for themselves rather than try to force it on everybody? Why does the solution to every problem have to involve government control and intervention?


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