Friday, July 01, 2005

Unknown Said...

One that won't make me crash my car or make me feel three feet thick.

I want a new job. This one sucks. I want to take pictures. I don't want to take pictures of weddings, High School Seniors, or babies. I have done all three. Weddings were the worst and the best. They pay well, it's easy, but brides are ALL psycho, best men are ALL drunk, grooms ALL resist and mothers-in-law ALL interfere. Real Estate photography, industrial photography, print journalism (nealy impossible since the journalists usually snap their own photos), stock work, and media/advertising are all areas I would like to get into. I have three digital cameras. 2, 4, and 5.1 mp. I would like to buy a 6 or 8 mp digital slr. Someday. I just have no idea how to make money at it. I had thought of asking some people to let me take pictures of their homes inside and out and sending the photos to realtors. As far as industrial and auction work... maybe I could go to a farm implement place and take some pictures. I could send them to auction houses. I need to develope a digital portfolio. As far as stock work and media... I have thousands of pictures of all sorts of stuff (plants, leaves, and flowers especially) just sitting around. Somebody offer me a job taking pictures of something. Please!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay porn dude.... I know you'd love it.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No thanks. I'm not going to be a huge homophobe and get angry like my masculinity has been threatened. I just don't feel that way about homosexuality. However, it's a proposition I find unappealing. I'm not a fan of man-love and therefore I don't really want to take pictures of it. I wouldn't want to do straight porn either so I guess it has nothing to do with it being gay. In fact, if I had to shoot porn to make money... gay porn, straight porn... what's the difference.

6:31 PM  

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