Friday, July 01, 2005

Unknown Said...

Stop Crying Or I'll Cut Ya!

My G*d D*mned kid decided to pick up the sniffles from me. He also decided to wake up at 5A.M. to tell me about it. He won't stay in his playpin. He throws his pacifier out and then cries because he can't get to it. I took his pacifier and set it right where he can see it but not get to it. I'm not going to play some game where I'm his bitch because I keep coming back every 3 minutes to give him his pacifier back. After today he's gonna realize that if the throws the f*cking thing away he's not going to get it back. No matter how much of a fit he throws. Then he won't throw it away anymore. I don't give in to whining. Yesterday I took him to work to see people. I had to pick up some crap anyhow. The little snot was playing with some stuff on somebody's desk and started to throw a tiny whiney fit if his mother tried to take it away. We had to go. I said to myself "F*ck this!" and I picked his ass up and took it away. I told him "No, you can't have it." He cried for 1 second and then he was fine. If you take something away from him and then he starts to get mad and you stand there saying "Oh, it's O.K. I'm sorry but I had too." and all that coddling crap you're just asking for a tantrum. Two things that I think many parents (my wife and sometimes myself included) forget. First: You're the parent and YOU'RE in charge. The kid's not in charge. Second: Giving a kid what he wants when he whines like a brat only insures he will whine like a brat to get what he wants. My son is too young for spanking to really be an issue but my wife and I were discussing it a few weeks ago. She's not a fan of spanking. I think that's mostly because she's not a big fan of discipline in general (but that's another story). So far her best argument against spanking is "My brothers and I weren't spanked!" What an argument! That's the best argument FOR spanking I have ever heard. If you knew her brothers you'd agree. Pussy ass shit like this crap just pisses me off. If it's a natural child you want why don't you strap that bitch to your back with some deer hide and go pick me some blueberries. Natural! So now when a chimpanzee or a dolphin or lion opens a can of whup-ass on their kid to keep them in line it's unnatural? I'm not advocating a beating. I don't intend to cause physical damage or humiliate my kid but this P.C., bullshit child psychologist driven, coddling, "never spank a child" crap is the most ridiculous quixotic tard fodder I've ever heard. I maintain that the problem is not spanking. The problem is parents who can't control themselves and turn spanking into beating. If you are too angry to stop yourself from hitting your kid you shouldn't start hitting your kid. If you have that kind of impulse control problem you probably shouldn't have kids in the first place.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

only one thing to say....

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do run the risk of making him really really like it, y'know.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, the "Natural Child" article did mention that the "buttocks are an erogenous zone in pre-adolescents." That's crap. If it were true we be sprining wood every time we sit down. Who did the study to find out which parts of the pre-adolescent body are erogenous? The article says they are erogeious zones but also uses the qualifier "in pre-adolescents." Does that mean they later become non-erogenous zones? So is the article instructing people where to touch little kids to get them off? This is the stupidest crap ever. Then ends NEVER justify the means. So if you are a parent saying "Well I hit him hard but at least I know he'll never do that again!" you suck. If you are a parent who slapped your kids hand to show him not to touch something then you don't. Why does everything have to be black or white? Never this. Always that. Fuck this AND that. Fuck always and Fuck never. Life is compromise.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There were typos above. It was also a completely random rant. There, I said it. Now you shut up.

6:22 PM  

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