Saturday, September 30, 2006

Unknown Said...

I like Google and all... but since when are they the Gods Of Industry?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe people need to read an article to learn how to not have an unproductive meeting. how about if you just hold a meeting when you have something to discuss, or some matter to resolve. are companies still holding meetings just cuz they have meetings every tuesday? fucking idiots.
that's why alcoholics quit A.A. same damn thing over and over. turns out, not drinking is not that fun, and what's even worse is listening to someone else tell you about what fun they didn't have. screw all that. i love working at a bullshit job. we don't have meetings, our boss just talks shit about all of us to everyone else.

1:28 AM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

This was interesting, but how the hell do you get people to meetings on time? Does she have the engineers and all the others queue up outside of her office? How can you have a five minute meeting when half the attendees are going to be five minutes late?

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they're the gods of porn as far as I'm concerned.

The premise of the article was interesting, but I just read over half those tips in some Professional Development shit I did from my company just the other week. It's not so innovative, what she's doing.

11:28 AM  
Blogger shorty said...

LOL - you are right frankles - not drinking isn't that fun. Although I only went to 1 AA meeting, I'm pretty sure your right about that too - the same damn thing over and over. I didn't want to listen to people complain about how awful it is not drinking - that would just make me want to drink.

Anyway - we have unproductive meetings at our safety committee. One problem - no one wants to do anything because we don't get time outside of our regular job duties to finish this stuff. We go - have great ideas and then nothing gets done unless myself or 2 other people on the committee do it. It's getting better.

4:04 PM  

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