Friday, May 19, 2006

Unknown Said...

WTF World! Somebody do something!

This U.S. is sending National Guard troops to monitor the Mexico/U.S. border. The administration claims it's not militarizing the border. However, yesterday, while El Presidente de Mexico, Vincente Fox toured Tiajuana to speak out against U.S. action U.S. Border Control agents at the San Diego border crossing (nearby! check your maps!) pursued a black SUV full of unarmed people suspected of being illegal immigrant smuggling, smashed out the trucks windows, and shot (and I think killed!) the (seemingly unarmed) driver.

As the United States Government begins the inital steps of setting up Mexican immigrants as a political scapegoat and moves forward with its plan to use the illegal immigration issue to distract Americans from the war based on lies and false evidence we are fighting in Iraq and the pending economic downfall brought about by corporate campain funds, lobbyists, and political cronyism they are also refusing to acknowledge the human rights abuses taking place in the not-so-secret "secret" prisons where innocent men are suspended above the law in a web of loopholes that spit on the Geneva convention. The current administration uses this as a basic tactic. Sometimes several layers deep. They used Hurricane Katrina to distract us from the war but then had to use Social Security and Gay Marriage to distract us from Katrina. Much like Hitler in the 30's, in order to keep control and attempt to unite the people under one banner while simultaneously distracting them while you take away their civil liberties you need the ultimate scapegoat. The Jews paid the price then. How far will it get this time?

Look for the United States to set up Mexicans and Muslims the same way Germany began to use the Jews in the 30's.

Please note that Iran has now announced plans to force non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, etc.) living in Iran to wear color coded badges on their clothing to distinguish them from Muslims. Iran is also planning to host a conference to "review" (actually "deny") the Jewish Holocaust. As much as I'm glad I don't live in Iran right now I'm wondering how long before the US starts forcing Islamic peoples to wear badges depicting planes flying into the World Trade Center towers or Mexicans to wear badges with a picture of a Chihuahua wearing a sombrero.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are so easily distracted. Just wait, right before the elections start they will magically find Osama and people will be so happy they will forget all about everything else thats happened. Sad times…

3:24 PM  
Blogger scecina said...

thats a ludicrous statement. they wont just find osama, if they could do that, hed be dead. he crashed fucking planes into buildings on our soil, and dont say it was some bullshit conspiracy or some "timed bombs" previously set by the govt. the skinny is all of these people are just as dirty if not more dirty than our own govt, who is ofcourse crooked as all the rest. the world is fucked up, get over it or make a difference yourself, dont sit and bitch about it. oh, and illegal immigration is a big deal, i already pay enough taxes for dead beats from the u.s., i dont need to pay for deadbeats from other countries, mexico, or any other.

5:58 AM  

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