Monday, August 15, 2005

EZMezzo Said...

Don't Feed the Bears...Literally

I was flipping channels the other night, and saw a segment on Prime Time Live about a guy who came to be known as the Grizzly Man. Apparently this guy, named Timothy Treadwell was to Grizzly Bears as Steve Irwin is to Crocodiles. Unfortunatly for him, he did not respect the danger in nature, and two years ago was literally eaten by a grizzly. The story of this man's life was made into a movie which is due out soon called appropriately enough "Grizzly Man".

Tragic yet I can't stop to think what was he thinking? I'm sure he was knowledgable about the ways of the Grizzly Bear, but in the end...he seemed to forget that he was dealing with wild animals. Real life Bears aren't like circus bears, or even the Chicago Bears...and cannot be taken lightly. His problem was that he intentionally went out to "Bear Country", a place so remote that he had to be sea plane lifted to his camp. Ultimately, the hungry bear was shot after the man came up missing...contents of the bears stomach confirmed what everyone feared, let's just say it wasn't feasting on salmon.

The sad part of it all, is that it wasn't the Bear's fault. It wasn't like he was forraging through someone's campsite looking for snacks in the cooler...this bear was in his element far away from civilization.

I'm sure like many people, I will have to se this movie, so I can learn the whole story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deep inside my belly lies the remains of a human.
Here, he digests in peace....

- To the tune of the Grizzly Adams theme.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've got chunks of guys like you in my stool!

-Frank Sinatra

7:39 PM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

there was a movie quite a few years ago(maybe foreign),simply called 'the bear',and it was a beautiful film,about a hunter(human) tracking his pray(the bear) for many miles...i cant remember much,but i do remember the hunter approaching the bear and the bear feeling threatened and roared at him,how scared was i...because before that film i thought bears were cuddly big cute things like gentle ben,,,or even fucking yogi(nice tie yogi)

in the end,you dont fuck with the bears

3:25 AM  
Blogger erl said...

wow. how ironic. and i do feel bad for the bear.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

honest to goodness i just read an article in none other than the readers digest that told his story. he had been living around bears for many years in alaska, and the last time he went had been a very rough year on the bears because of weather, there had been less berries so there were a lot more bears in the region he usually stayed with the 20 or so he "knew". the park rangers started noticing the bears fighting over the smallest amounts of food, like usually a bear eats what he wants of a fish, but this year, they were fighting over every last piece. so yeah, here's Mr. BearHappy and his reluctant girlfriend, not knowing really anything about bears or food harvest for hibernation, and low and behold they get eaten. the shit went down when the dude started to get eaten and he was screaming at his girlfriend to do something and all she did was stick the camera outta the tent. then she get ate. fun stuff. the movie is gonna have actual footage which should be gruesome and safe for all of us watching who shake our heads and say, "dumbass".

2:22 PM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

I actually heard that the girlfriend tried to hit the bear over the head with a frying pan. Talk about an exercise in futility. Way for her to make the bear even madder...

3:51 PM  

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