Saturday, April 05, 2008

Unknown Said...


I just said this to someone via IM and thought it was important enough to share.
I realized today that I work for a company whose inefficiencies are its saving grace. My employer could be a fuck-up of epic proportions... ...except fucking up that badly requires some organization and planning.

In order to crash and burn you have to take off. My employer is on the runway trying to figure out if they filed the right flight paperwork, whether or not the pre-flight checklist was properly reviewed, triple checking to make sure the right fuel was put in with the understanding that it's easier to triple check and refuel than to give the guy at the pump the tools to tell which fuel to pump in the first place, and whether or not an advertisement that implies, or at the very least could be construed as, a joke about drug addiction will get you into less trouble if you claim it was a mistake of groupthink boardroom brainstorming and share the blame or if you all band together and scapegoat one person who is in sales and subsequently will not be punished or reprimanded in any way for any action up to and included porking his boss on her office desk...


Blogger Unknown said...

it pains me that I actually have to say this.. but i do... if you are somebody who knows where I work (one of the 2 people who actually read this blog) don't type it in the comments or shout it from the hilltops or anything of that sort

1:17 AM  

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