Tuesday, April 04, 2006

EZMezzo Said...


Brokeback Mountain, despite the buzz, lost to Crash at the Oscars for "Best Picture". I have a feeling the sequel would do much better. I know it would get my vote...

Never put metal in a microwave...but what if you are like Goldmember and enjoy smelting? Try this.

I love crab! I always try and find new unusual species at restaurants. Australian White is still my favorite, but I had never heard of the Canadian Emperor Crab until now. This thing is massive...and the $450 dollar price tag would be pricey. Too bad it's mostly shell and doesn't taste that great (according to the reviewer).

I owe a big debt of gratitude to Whackly for introducing me to this universe.

Singin' the blues? Or just need respite from the monotony of everyday activites?...try this.


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