Wednesday, March 22, 2006

EZMezzo Said...

Mini Linkendsday...The Scientology Edition

Isaac Hayes, the voice of Chef in Southpark quit the show last week claiming that he can no longer stomach the show making fun of religion. Turns out Mr. Hayes is a Scientologist, ala Mr. Tom Crazy Couch Jumping Cruise, who was fine making fun of Mormons, and Catholics...etc, but once they made fun of Scientology, Hayes backed by his e-meters wielding nutcases decided he could not continue. I didn't realize that hypocrite can be spelled S-C-I-E-N-T-O-L-O-G-Y.

In a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup moment, let's see what would happen if you combined Tom and Isaac.

Remember when Tom Cruise said that drugs shouldn't be used for mental health? Well, some zidiots actually believe that garbage, and here's what happened.

Finally, I was flipping channels the other night, and happened to come across the World Baseball Classic being played in Los Angeles (teams that were playing escape me...because, come on, the WBC is just an excuse to get our Major League Players injured before the real season starts...) ANYHOW, they were scanning the crowd...and panned in on a shot of Mr. Tom Cruise and Ms. Katie Holmes chowing down on some burgers and hot dogs at the game. I could SWEAR...they were drinking some purple Kool Aide too. Nice to see Mr. Cruise coming outta the closet.

My non Scientology related portion of this post involves the biggest sports icon since Michael Jordan. Yup that's right...Tiger Woods just bought a posh island estate in Florida.

Must be incredibly nice to be on the top of the world...a go-zillionaire, the best golfer on the planet...young...famous...some people have all the luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're just jealous that Katie's going to marry Tom, and you're not. ;P

2:09 PM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

yea, maybe a few years ago I would have thought that. She SEEMED to be an intelligent person...until the veil was lifted and shows how much of an idiot she really is.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, I meant you're mad you're not marrying TOM! ;P

who the fuck wants to marry Katie anymore?

4:27 PM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

Seems Tom would prefer that type of arrangement actually. It's a wonder that he was able to get her preggo in the first place. He kinda reminds me of Troy McClure...he sleeps with the fishies... :P

4:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i don't think it's that preposterous that he got her pregnant... let's assume they didn't have it done at a clinic... pretty much every house has the internet and a turkey baster

5:47 PM  

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