Thursday, March 02, 2006

Unknown Said...

Just wondering...

I was clicking around this morning trying to find out who has blogs and who doesn't. I noticed something I found strange. Every gay person I know with a blog (there are four, maybe more but I could only find blogs for four of them... two of them live right here in MN) has "Rainbow" in the name of their blog. Why is this? I understand the significance of the rainbow as a symbol but is the rainbow the only one? I was reading the posts on these blogs and none of the posts seemed to have anything to do with being gay, specifically. There were mentions of boyfriends and whatnot but there wasn't anything there that didn't make just as much sense if you change the word boyfriend to girlfriend and the like. Given that, why is there a need to project "gay" with rainbow in the name (and in one case "fagalicious" as the tagline)? If you are gay, does being gay somehow become the most important part of your life and personality? Is it the primary device one uses to identify with oneself? Is the "rainbow" in the title like bright colors on a caterpillar; a warning of danger? To me it just seems to perpetuate a stereotype. It also seems like an attempt to distance oneself from the rest of society. Like my wife's little brother with the piercings. He's just daring you to judge him because then he feels justified in feeling contempt for you. He wants you to dissapprove. Compliments make him feel uncomfortable. That stems from a complete lack of self-respect. Is it the same thing? I'm not trying to insult anyone, truly. I just don't understand. Of course all of this is just to fuel the fact that I'm sure my repressed homosexuality (non-existent) was discussed after I left last night, LOL!!! That's a reputation it's fun to have, I bet. I don't know if I have it yet, but I did say enough dirty things to Adam to get accused of being secretly gay. Does the fact that I'm secure enough in being straight to not feel insulted by being accused of being secretly gay make me gay? HAHA. I am so tired. I wish Miles would start sleeping normally again.

P.S. Adam almost whipped it out. Poor Erin and Dave, sitting right next to him.


Blogger Something dirty said...

I think Jer just likes him some rainbows! I hope your friends reply to you.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny. i think jared takes pride in his sexuality. its one of those things that straight people do to him, introduce him as their gay friend, so he can exploit it any way he wants i guess. i think for some gay kids seeing other kids use rainbows as a form of them being "out", it helps them see that they are not alone and that it is okay. especially for people in small towns with closed minded bastards who they can't identify with at all.
it's like me seeing a woodstock in someone's window, i go, yeah, they're cool. just something we have in common.
but what do i know i am not gay!

9:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

that would make sense, frankles, if the rainbow blogs were actually about being gay or had something to do with gayness... but they don't... they are just everyday human being style blogs.. and if i didn't know that the writer was male because i had met him or viewed his picture in the profile i wouldn't know that it was being written by a man talking about a gay relationship when he uses the word boyfriend. it's not an advertisement for safe haven for other gay youth... it's not like these are activists sites. i want to know... do gay people have a psychological predilection for rainbows (not bloody likely) or do they like rainbows because rainbows are a symbol of homosexuality and they think of themselves only in those terms. If i was making a ranked list of who and what i am and how i identify myself... i would be a
1 human
2 man
3 husband
4 dad
5 american
6 libertarian
7 mid-western
8 straight
etc etc

sexual preference is 8th or less on the list of things that i use to define me as a person. it seems to be a lot higher in the case of gay people. is that because of the fact that being gay is a daily struggle and is therefore foremost on their mind at any given time? it is because they relate to themselves only in the terms of how they are being judged by others and that others tend to focus on the one thing that makes them different from the rest of the world? if that is the case is that really ok? is it OK to let the people who like you the least define you? and, something dirty, as far as jer just liking rainbows.. well duh.. i assumed... but the questions is why...which came first, the rainbow or the gay? and i really am asking these questions because i would like to understand not because i want to pick on anyone... truly

10:19 AM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

the rainbow is also a political symbol, as I mentioned outside today. Unfortunately sex is political these days, if you differ from the mainstream it's natural to use that to relate to people. I am looking forward to responses from the bloggers you mention, however.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

also, why did adam do that? i remember you guys were flirting and he kind of stood up, but i think I was talking with someone else and missed your apparently conversation. I thought you challenged him in some way.

6:38 PM  

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