Thursday, September 04, 2008

Unknown Said...

Apples and String Theory

I'm going to hit two completely different subjects.

First, Sarah Palin. I don't buy that her son Trig is actually her daughter's and I don't really think it matters since her 17 year old daughter is pregnant anyhow. I've seen predictions the daughter will have an "accidental miscarriage." What trash. Some people like to assume the worst about people. I think Sarah Palin is genuine in her belief in pro-life. I don't think that makes her less scary but regarding abortion there's little evidence she's a hypocrite. However, her 17 year old pregnant daughter does kind of take a crap on the whole "abstinence only" sex education bullshit that she supports. Obviously, here daughter's pregnancy doesn't prove that abstinence only education doesn't work because it's an isolated anecdotal case and can't be logically used to win the argument. However, since we all know that abstinence only education is ineffective and nothing more than an attempt by self appointed morality police to bring back an innocent past that never actually existed in order to make people easier to control we can take the opportunity to lean back, point a finger, and say "Ha-ha!" Also, If anybody needs something to do, go back through the soundbites from Republican talking heads from back when Mrs. Clinton was still in the race and drag up every instance in which they attacked her by saying that she was just an ambitious harpe bitch who'd do anything to get ahead, or similar. All those comments should be shoved back in their faces because Palin makes Clinton look like Princess fucking Toadstool or the love child of Anne Frank and Mohandis Ghandi (I know that's messed up but Ghandi liked them young... I didn't make him a pervert). Seriously. If you were a republican who disliked Clinton for being a power hungry bitch then Sarah Palin should scare the living hell out of you. I didn't know anything about Palin until she was named in the neo-con veepstakes. Since then I've done some reading, trying to keep an open mind of course, through pro and con articles including many statements from people who know her personally (including more than one person who said something like "I'm only willing to speak up because she can't touch me. Everyone else is afraid to say anything because they're afraid she'll come after them in some way or another.") My conclusion is that there are only two people ff the top of my mind that could have been a worse choice. Michelle Bachman and Heinrich Himmler's closest living ancestor. It's possible, though, that my assumption that Heinrich Himmler's heir is as evil as old Heinrich himself is possibly faulty. Perhaps Himler's heir would have been better.

2nd I've come into possession of a file. It claims to be a 1080p version of Episode IV. I've watched it and compared it side by side with the DVD. It's definately not an upscaled dvd. It's much better than that. I don't know that it's full 1080p but I could believe that it's 1080p that's been upscaled from 720p. Every once in a while, though, I catch some detail that almost convinces me that it really is a full 1080p version. I wish I was enough of an expert to know how to find out. What I'm really confused about, though, is the origin of this file. The movies have not been released on HDDVD or BluRay. What was the source for this file? Anybody have any ideas? No, I will not share it or give you a copy. I will not say where I got it. I'm trying not to get in trouble with the MPAA (though, it'd be bad form for them to come after me over this since I have like every version ever released of the movies from VHS on up (I even had episode 1 on VHS!) and it's not like I wouldn't rush at breakneck speed to buy it on BluRay if I could. I'd buy a PS3 to watch it on, if I had to. My loyalty to Star Wars outshines my distaste for Sony. That's saying something.
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