Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Unknown Said...

DIY Web Comic: Add your own stick figures!

Yahoo The Zapper
9:19 PM chase scene

9:20 PM and it's daytime
9:20 PM noon
9:20 PM
then they round a corner
9:20 PM
and it's like nightvision past 11PM dark ouside
9:20 PM
in the span of 45 seconds with no explanation

Yahoo MadHobbit
9:21 PM
oh yeah - you told me about that
9:26 PM
so other than poor editing?

Yahoo The Zapper
9:27 PM
story thin
9:28 PM
why do we always assume that some dork who is out of the girl's league can suddenly involve her in something dangerous and now they'll be in love forever and share a strong romantic bond?
9:29 PM
and why does anybody give a shit in a movie about FIGHTING ROBOTS!
9:30 PM
i want a movie about fighting robots that's robots fighting from beginning to end and the only hint a love story is every 20 minutes when the fight builds to a climax involving nuclear weapons the corresponding calm is filled by topless women pillow fighting on roller skates for 2 minutes before the fighting starts again
9:30 PM
now THAT's a movie
9:31 PM
speaking of which i saw babylon A.D.
9:32 PM
not so bad.. except the ending failed to sew up any of the loose ends or actually fully expose the plot.. which sucked
9:32 PM
because there was no sequel pontential either
9:33 PM
so in the end it was like a dumbed down action movie version of children of men... which, although a far superior movie, was not nearly as fun and not coincedentally has far fewer hot blondes with french accents
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