Thursday, August 07, 2008

Unknown Said...

Flock Opera. Flock it right in the ear.


We were once in the deepest love.  I thought it would never end and I felt like you did too.  But...  I've been cheating on you...   with Flock.   I know she's not as pretty and I know she's Firefox's sister and we all know you've got a huge inferiority complex about Firefox.  I was going to give you the "It's not you, It's me." speech but it's just not true.  It's not me.  It's you.  You are better than Firefox.  You are faster and more useable.  You are prettier.  You... well... you're still great... but...  Flock is better.  You just don't understand.  Flock is like all the compatibility and ease of Firefox and all of your coolness together in one package.  I know you can do all the things that Flock can do but damnit... too many floaty and "always in the way" widgets detracts from the sleek and streamlined experience that attracted me to you in the first place.  It's not that you're bad.  It's not that you're not good enough.  It's not that you aren't better than IE and Firefox.  It's that... well... Flock is sexier.  There, I said it.  You did everything I could have ever asked a browser to do and did it flawlessly.  But flock does all of those things within a micron of just as well as you AND Flock fucks my brains out too.  Hell... Flock probably goes A2M.  You see what I'm saying, Opera?  You've been replaced!  Take your widgets and EUDouche programmers and go.

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Blogger Unknown said...

For your information, Opera, we already had our first argument. It was over twitter on the computer in the spare room/office upstairs. It was resolved without anyone trying to blame the twitter site. What do you think of that, Opera? with your fancy acid2 ass?

11:16 AM  

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