Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Unknown Said...

Laterman and Battosai Acc

Mezzo and I entered a SWBF2 game on xbox live last night because my xbox was freezing up when I was hosting.  The game was hosted by "Laterman."  When we first joined Laterman was on one team and Battosai Acc was on the other.  I think they were in a game just to try and kill each other and were offended when other people joined.  After a minute or two it was 4 to 1 with Battosai Acc playing by himself.  So Mezzo and I switched over to join his team... and he promptly team killed us.  Maybe it was a mistake.  So we stood still a minute with nobody from the other team around to see if he's do it again.  He did.  We said screw that.  If he's gonna be a douche we'll go back to the other team again.  So we left Battosai all alone.  His buddy Laterman felt sorry for him and joined him.  It was everyone against those two.  They are good, no doubt, but it's funny how good they are.  See, the only way they could kill anybody is to ignore everyone else and tag team a single person at a time.  They really weren't all that good at that, either.  Unfortunately the other players in the game were kinda ..not very good.. so it soon became a "hunt the mezzo and whackly game."  That was fun for a minute until they started spawn camping us to where we would get force thrown the moment we spawned without having time to even move, let alone aim and shoot.  I decided that if this was a game hosted by a dick, for dicks in which to be dicks I was going to be a dick.  I went back to their team and just started killing myself.   Mezzo soon joined me and we were happily team killing each other.  All pretty boring right?  Well when Mezzo and I were on their team we could hear everything they said through the TV.  We were using our original XBOXs not 360s so we didn't have our headsets on (like I want to go hunting for that in the cavern of cords, dongles, and termination in my closet).  These guys were laughing about how badly everyone else sucks which doing exactly the things they said other people suck for doing.  They completely misunderstood what was going on and why and through it all demonstrated that they were definately flying below the clouds in the median IQ department.  It was like listening to accountants drone on and on about numbers.... if accountants didn't understand numbers and had the voices of washed up stoners who reached the crest of their lives the day they the new VS trading card game packs were released.  What's the point of all this?  There isn't one, except to say that I'm fairly certain that Laterman and Battosai Acc are not cool enough to pop a collar or wear a crooked visor but not quite nerdy enough to be smart either.  The ever oscillating limbo of mediocrity is like mother's milk to the asocial and ambiguously gay.


Blogger EZMezzo said...

those rat bastards booted me for team killing myself. I was there to try and play a straight up game...until they started f*cking us over. I hope to never see them again...

9:50 AM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

spawn camping. FTW?

6:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

is that "for the win" ftw or "fuck the world" ftw?

6:47 AM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

it's a typo, i hope. or maybe I was going for fuck the what. I hope not. Anyway, what is spawn camping? Sounds fun!

9:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

in any multiplayer game you will get killed. when you do you are either out until the next round (as in the case with some games that are more simulation oriented like squad based tactical shooters) or you will wait in a temporary purgatory watching others play as a 3rd person observer until a countdown finishes and you re-enter the game. the point at which you re-enter the game is your spawn point... a place where you suddenly appear in the sphere of combat and re-enter the fray. spawn camping is an effective tactic in many games, though considered underhanded. the idea of spawn camping is to wait, with weapons trained, on the spots where people appear and then shoot them the moment they appear. as a player re-entering the game often you will find yourself dead before you even knew you were alive again.

11:43 AM  

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