Monday, September 10, 2007

Unknown Said...

This is a great example...

A lot of people don't understand why I mistrust police so much. This video is a great example. I've lived this scenario. In fact it's been worse a few times because, unlike this kid, I didn't have a video camera in my car and so I didn't do what he did. He just played along and let the office act like a retard. Smart move but harder to do when you don't have videotaped proof.

This happened in St. George, MO. Happens every day elsewhere. If you are under 25 and male or a minority of any age or gender this is what you have to look forward to when the blue and whites start spinning behind you.

Yes there are good cops out there. I know a few, actually. In fact the majority of them are probably good cops. However, good cops aren't the ones likely to pull me over. When I've been pulled over by a good cop it's because I was speeding (and that has happened more times than I'd like to admit) but EVERY other time it was a ex-high school jock/bully in a dick rage who was decided I was trouble for the color of my car, my age, my hat, or whatever it was that made him think "I don't care if he hasn't broken the law. He looks like the sort of person I don't like so I'm going to buttfuck his whole day."


Blogger EZMezzo said...

Apparently this officer will get his due. Officers of the law abuse their powers and it's sad.

To serve and protect...gets lost along the way.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If I had owned a video camer or just had a copy of this video when I was a kid it would have changed my parents minds about a few things. To this day, I think, they believe that in a few of those instances (several of which ended in court cases.. mostly in WI) I was and still am lying about what happened. It goes way deeper than this. Cops don't seem to want to do their jobs in this country. God help you if a crime is ever committed and you happen to appear to be the most likely suspect. They won't investigate to rule you out. They won't investigate your claims to see if you are telling the truth. If it looks like you did it.. if there is circumstantial evidence of any kind.. you're getting blamed.

captcha = stacleez... fankles, it reminded me of you

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what? captcha? huh? what am i missing?
oh and holy ass. i don't know what i would do if this ever happens to me. i'd end up in jail i'm sure. i've never been pulled over for something that i didn't do so it seems so odd to me, but i have experienced cops entering my home uninvited and cops lying to friends about things that weren't said.
so i know it happens. i guess i'm just lucky to be a white girl.

11:12 PM  

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