Monday, September 03, 2007

Unknown Said...

Labor Day Trivia Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Name that Jedi!

1. I was summoned to the Jedi Council chamber where I found Mace Windu alone. He instructed me to take my unruly teenage apprentice and secure a place on a colonization/exploratory mission outside the galaxy and ride it to the edge of the outer regions before returning. My name is ______________.

2. I am a Mirialan jedi. I served as an advisor to the Jedi Council. I trained Barriss Offee. My name is _______________.

3. Though I was corrupted and then saved my crimes lived on long after me. The Noghri who thought of me as a savior learned long after my death that I was, in fact, no their savior but their oppressor. I am ________________.

4. As a General I defended Kamino against the Seperatists. I was trusted by and ultimately decieved by the traitor Palpatine as part of his inner circle of advisors. Masters Roron Corobb and Foul Moudama died as the three of us attempted to save Chancellor Palpatine from Seperatist General Grievous. I am ________.

5. I killed Dark Jedi Jerec and freed the spirits trapped in the Valley Of The Jedi. My name is ___________.


Blogger Unknown said...

1. Obi Wan Kenobi
2. Luminara Unduli
3. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
4. Shaak Ti
5. Kyle Kataarn

fucking google people! one or two keywords and BAM.. answer straight from

9:43 PM  

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