Thursday, June 22, 2006

Unknown Said...

So I says to Mezzo I says....

Good title, right?

I had the greatest idea for a blog earlier today with some real life inspiration but I forgot what that was.

I got Jackie Brown from NETFLIX. Of course, I watched it. I don't think, the last time I saw that movie, I was able to appreciate it properly. It's really good. Max Cherry is a kick-ass character and Samuel Jackson is right out of a Chapelle show skit. Good times. Michael Keaton is in it!!! Doing the pouty lipped Batman thing! And it was made long enough ago that when the character goes to the music store at the mall all the walls are covered with Audio Tape racks. Do they ever say what year it is? Maybe it's supposed to be retro. Maybe it took place in 1985. That would make a lot of sense. Except the clothes and the BiC Lighters with the childproofing thing on top. Damn my faulty memory or bad continuity errors.. whichever it is.

So I'm feeling kinda weird about this cause it's really not me. Not really. It's just funny. Somtimes you can't help what you think is funny. I was talking to someone earlier this week and I was trying to think of the name of the stick in the game la crosse. The only thing that came to mind was "dykesaber" and I laughed to myself for two solid days about it. I had finally forgotten when tonight they had a Seven Sisters joke about lesbian la crosse players on the Simpsons (weeknights at 6 and 6:30 on My 29!). That brought it all back to me and now I am laughing again.

Also I think I'm getting sleep deprived cause I laughed outloud when DeNiro shot Bridget Fonda in the the movie (y'know... Jackie Brown... a few lines up). Also I didn't feel like cooking and I didn't want to shop for groceries either. So I had a grinder from Toppers and it had disgusting slimy lettuce in it (from lettuce going on before it was toasted... that's my theory and I'd prefer you not deprive me of it since having to face the reality that it was probably slimy because it was in the bottom of the lettuce bin swimming in an ever oxidizing pool of saurkraut rejects is likely to make go right out shit brick crazy and start stuffing a homeade potato gun with frozen dead rats from the Herpetology Hobbyist annual Steals and Deals catalog)and it tasted like a bucket full of lukewarm badger vomit.

Haven't heard from any of you people lately! WTF. Nobody's emailing, nobody's calling, nobody's emailing, nobody's on Live, nobody's even throwing bricks at my windows anymore. I'm glad nobody needs a kidney donation or some computer repair but for Christ's sake CALL ME OR SOMTHING! I spent years being at work every night until 10. Now I sit at home at night with the family sleeping and watch my stupid indestructable fish swim around in circles. It's almost enough to make someone go bat shit bonkers and wedge doorstops under every closed back door in the neighborhood. Why aren't you calling anyhow? You'd think I blew my noise all huge and juicy and disgusting style at the table during lunch... at work... but I didn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I was gonna call, but then, there was this thing, you know, and I thought about it afterward, but then, you know, I really had to piss, and then, WAIT A MINUTE! I don't have your fucking number. That's right.

You're so ronery. A rittre ronery. poor rittre you. ;) I've been there pal. Good luck.

People with his number and available time: please just call the boy.

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my bad. since you got a day job i got a night job. sweet. and besides i have no life to make for conversation. and i get jealous when i hear you having way (!) to good of a time and i am being here in little fuckity falls bored outta my mind hole. i will be coming to st cloud either next wednesday or thursday and i wanna see you and marcia and the boy. so i will talk to you further then. p.s. don't need your suitcase as mom and dad found a nice purple one at a garage sale that is just the right fit for all my clothes, pillow, cat, shoes, apartment, etc. chat later. see what time it is? 2 am! and I'M awake and YOU'RE asleep. bass ackwards i tell ya!

2:04 AM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

I know this post about not calling isn't about me. I call, but many times you are half asleep when I'm talking to you...Sheesh....

7:58 AM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

I im you, but you don't reply... sniff. Even my message "hey, would you reply just so I know you got this?" gets no reply, so I figure either you really didn't get it or you're just being a dick. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in chocolate milk.

By the way, I don't really care for talking on the phone, not sure why.

11:56 AM  

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