Thursday, September 15, 2005

Unknown Said...

WTF Google? Where's the love.

Did you know that Google has a cable television network? It's called or Google Current or just Current depending on where you look but it was recently added to my cable lineup as channel 204. It shows video "Pods" of various lengths. There are no hour long or half our long shows or movies. It's just a continuous barrage of Guerilla Filmaker style shorts about to many subjects to name. It's become a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. It seems that most of the pods are aimed at bringing penis obsessed frat boys into adulthood, or at least get them to watch long enough to set down the remote and sit through the Mountain Dew and Taco Bell commercials. Some of the pods are actually well produced and really show something worth watching. It's a bit like watching a marathon of MTV News (not the "another rock star died" shit but something more akin to an expose on binge drinking followed by a true life special about a high school girl who has finally convinced her parents she needs a boob job) only slightly more substantive. Why am I going on about this? I have no clue. What I really found odd is that when I went to Google and typed in "current" I didn't get a single return in the first page (I didn't look any deeper than that) for the station. Why the hell not? Google owns the station. Even searching for "Google tv" only returned news story links about the launch of the station but not a single link to the website. I don't understand. What the fuck is the point of a search engine, again? I know I forgot. I know someone who uses Google as a spell checker for words but if it is a commonly mispelled word and you type in the common mispelling you are likely to return a multitue of results and Google is unlikely to suggest the correct spelling to you (Did you mean to search for DonkeyPunchGrandma after you typed in DonkyPunchGrandma, etc. I haven't tried it but for some reason I don't think that donkey punchers are the most likely people on earth to spell donkey right). Do you ever search Google Images and marvel at the random nature of some of the results? No? Try searching Kelly Ripa (thanks Doordolt). What was I talking about? Who are you? Get away from me.


Blogger EZMezzo said...

Well, at least we know that google doesn't bias their search results. As for image searches, they are only as reliable as the image names...since that is the only way that google can figure out content. If someone has a picture of a sheep and names it redballoon.gif, it is sure to come up in the wrong image search.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Untrue. In fact if you search google images you will see that many of the image names do not have the keyword in them. They keywords actually exist with then content of the page the picture is found in. Search for Kelly Ripa and look for the 4th or 5th result. It's not named kellyripa.jpg. That's for sure. It is the picture that inspired the name of our sister site, Infertile Vertical though.

12:03 PM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

you're right...I forgot about page context. DOH.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't current tv somehow al gore related? and if you look up the ol' international news channel (we used to carry)'s website, that's what current is now.

5:09 PM  

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