Friday, September 09, 2005

Unknown Said...

Father, if possible, pass this cup before me. I like it strong. Lots of cream and sugar.

There is a church down the street from me that is trying, I think, to update its image and draw new members and attendees. In order to do this they have hung giant banners all along the building in bright colors with abstacts on them and words presumeably advertising what they have to offer (Faith, Joy, etc.). This isn't anything new. Churches do a lot of different things to reach out to the community so they can make more money. What's important, though, is that this church has a giant 25 foot brass backlit cross on the outside of the largest wall. Most churches that have this feature also have an identical cross on the inside right behind the altar. It's an important image as it expresses the very core of the the Christian ideal, with which I have no enmity. This church looked at that huge wall with the cross on it and saw, not a symbol of Christ's sacrifice, but an underutilized advertising space. Unfortunately the Christian ideal and the modern execution of Christianity are two completely different things, as evidenced by the fact that this church down the street has completely covered up the giant cross on the outside of the building with a huge pastel banner advertisement. Assholes. Anyway, as I was preparing to bitch about this I used Google Images, once again, to search for relevant material. The following are interesting pictures that came up when I used Google Images to search for "Jesus Christ."


Blogger EZMezzo said...

Holy Christ Chrispies Batman!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Something dirty said...

i like the tattoo.

8:27 PM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

hmmph.....more money raising ideas??

did you know that the church/religion is the biggest money making business in the world...pisses on microsoft

oh....and you spelt strong

12:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think the most amazing thing is that they make all that money with no product. they might pretend that they are selling you something but they aren't. in fact, let's just say you do take something from the church and feel like you got your money's worth... what you got was something you could get for free anyway. you can get a bible for free just about anywhere. you can put a plastic bag on your head and masterbate to feel spirituality. you can go a night club or to work or to a friend's house to feel community. the only thing the church reallys sells is guilt. the only thing more amazing than how badly organized christianity has twisted the message of Jesus (the real message is a pretty good one... benevolence, peace, empathy, community, acceptance, etc.)is the fact that millions of people line up every sunday to buy a big steaming pile of inadequacy.

9:36 AM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

masterbating with a bag over your head......??? so is that how you get your kicks??

as for the sundays...just do what homer does and have they day off(i am in no way acceptible,for if your house catches on fire)

2:59 AM  

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