Sunday, September 02, 2007

Unknown Said...

Labor Day Trivia Episode IV

Don't worry! There's not a single questions about labor day. In fact all of these questions are about Star Wars since Labor Day is now the day traditionally reserved for watching all 6 Star Wars movies in a row while grilling and chilling with your pals and pining for an opportunity to touch a lady's sarlaac (wouldn't you just shit if they were that scary?).

1. Who created the character Grand Admiral Thrawn?
a. George Lucas
b. Timothy Zahn
c. Harold Lloyd
d. Pheylan Cavanaugh

2. Which was corrupted by the dark side?
a. Jorus C'Baoth
b. Mara Jade
c. Kit Fisto
d. Luke Skywalker

3. Assuming and absense of ysalamiri which cloning method is the best?
a. Spaarti
b. Kaminoan

4. Which of three differs from the other tow in opinion towards how to handle the Yuuzhan Vong?
a. Kyp Durron
b. Jacen Solo
c. Corran Horn

5. The people who gave the Sith name to the cult of dark Jedi originated on what planet?
a. Orto
b. Neimoidia
c. Duro
d. Korriban


Blogger Unknown said...

buncha pussies never heard of google?

1. Timothy Zahn (who also created Phaylen Cavanaugh)
2. Trick question sorta. Mara Jade would be the answer, I guess, but she reform and marry Luke. Jorus' clone was dark but not necessarily Jorus himself. Luke was "corrupted" but did so voluntarily as a sort of double agent thing... Kit Fisto is just mr. goodie two shoes
3. Kaminoan
4. Kyp
5. Korriban

the K names are a coincedence... or maybe they are for Jbunny.

9:39 PM  

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