Monday, January 15, 2007

Unknown Said...

Dirty Dirty Minds

So there's a town in Austria named "Fucking." That's funny by itself. But if you take a sign from a town and couple it with a sign picturing children that says "Not so fast!" there exists the potential for a dirty multilingual double entendre. Is it funny? You tell me. I'm kinda thinking that the double entendre doesn't work because it's in two different languages since "Fucking" (pronounced Foo-king) does not mean the same thing in German that it does in English. But, if the whole thing is translated into English, I guess, the pedophile joke is there.... it's there.... but is it funny? I'm conflicted. As a parent I'm never really sure if stuff like that is funny or not. I guess, if you have to ask yourself it problably isn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


not so much in the pedophile way, but in the "put your knockwurst back in your pants and stop making more stupid people" way. I figure we should start hanging em around town.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having a child just makes you more of a prude. It's funny.

12:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe so. It's not that I can't see the humor in it. It doesn't offend me. It's just that pedo jokes just aren't funny when you have your own kid(s). It is still funny when it's specifically about somebody else's kid. Like when two employees take bets on which kid a third "creepy" employee will talk to. That's funny.

12:51 AM  
Blogger shorty said...

I agree with Wackly. Not offensive really. It's an innate feeling of our children's vulnerability. God forbid that ever happening to one of our children. It's like inviting the devil into your home, for me anyway. Or when in conversation you say something like "I haven't been sick in a year." and then you have to "knock on wood" cause now you just invited the virus in. Same thing just on a different scale. It may not make sense to most but I don't know how else to explain it.

1:50 AM  

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