Saturday, January 13, 2007

Unknown Said...

OK......proof they exist.

You know, when I say that EVERY time I speak with a customer on the phone who claims to be an expert they end up being an idiot I'm serious. EVERY time. People who really know what they're talking about
1. don't bring it up to bully you into taking them serious or
2. think their own equipment is perfect.
Most of the time, when a customer says "I know what I'm talking about. I'm a network admin!" to me it's because I'm telling them the problem has nothing to do with us. They don't believe me and want me to know that they are an expert so I'll reconsider. Real experts don't do that. If they disagree they just explain why they disagree what evidence helped them form that opinion. Real experts are a breeze to work with.

Judy Patch is not a real expert. People like her are what I'm up against every day. The problem is these retards very often do work as network admins. These dumb fucks tooks a course or got a certification and some idiotic HR director, with no technical knowledge, hired them. These are the fucking dumb fucks that beat people like me out for jobs.

People like Denise. OMG... remember Denise? How she ever made John think she knew what she was talking about is beyond me. He's a pretty sharp cat and her veil of competancy was thin, weak, and easily penetrated. This could be Denise's website. Maybe she changed her name. Denise had more than a certification. I think she had a degree from Rasmussen. I'm pretty sure that's where it was from. Personally, after knowing Denise I have to consciously stop my eyes from rolling every time somebody tells me they have a degree from Rasmussen.

Should I just stop complaining and get a degree? No. These companies that are stupid enough to hire a complete retards with a degree instead of an expert without on are not places I want to work. If an employer is smart enough to ask, or test me, I'll show them what I know. Hopefully I'll impress them.

This whole thing is just me ranting pointlessly. Started with customers, then on to some random shitbrick ex-coworker. Oh well. Click the link. Read it. If you can find a mistake in every sentence then, congratulations, you are an expert in computers and grammar. If you can't find any mistakes at all, kill yourself.


Blogger metallicorphan said...

you really want to be on the other side of the line sometimes whackly....the ISP people i ring up know nothing..they say the same old crap....turn off at the mains for 2 minutes then plug it back in

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, when I know the shit she's tossing around is just plain old bullshit. Hell, my Mom could probably tell you some of this isn't right, and she knows nothing of how the computer actually works. Just fucking wow! So my Memory Card is RAM now? I think that's when I stopped reading.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

em had a call back for a sales and customer service rep job for uslink (i think) and she didn't think she wanted to do sales, and i told her she didn't want to do customer service because of the idiots kyle deals with and has dealt with at astound.
for real, i could never do that job. ever. dumbasses! i am surprised every time kyle has another story cuz i just can't believe how dumb they are! it's like, you'd think they would have thought it all thru before they called back AGAIN! but nope.
i feel for ya

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the problem is the extreme specialization of modern society. We wouldn't have these problems if we were all farmers and knew everything we needed to fix our plows and butter churns and shit. And if the horse doctor got too uppity we'd just burn him as a witch.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

metal... maybe your tech support people are idiots... but seriously... you'd be shocked... your faith in humanity would be crippled if you knew how many people get all pissed off when we ask them to unplug shit and plug it back in only to have it instantly work because it wasn't plugged in right... or wasn't plugged in at all... or just needed to be reset... especially routers... if you've got a router you've got problems.. when the problems surface unplug the power to it, wait, plug it back in... you can call your isp but you'll just feel like a dick when they have you do the same thing and it fixes the problem

not to mention the fact that, no matter how stupid your isps customer service reps are (and i know some of them are stupid... cause i've worked in some of the most competent customer service environments in the world... seriously... and people treat me like i'm stupid because the experiences they've had elsewhere)the simple fact is that out of every 20 people that call in only 1 will have a problem actually caused by or fixable by the isp. your isps techs spend most of their time trying to explain to lippy douche lickers that the ISP has nothing to do with why their computer is overrun with spyware and it isn't the isp's job to fix it. i mean seriously... when their car breaks down they don't call and yell at the highway department... why the fuck do they call and yell at their isp when their computer breaks down? it fucking astounds me. i can understand how they'd be confused... but they call in and we set them straight... but then they don't believe us. well bust this logic... if these people are such experts on what's going on why the hell are they calling in the first place? they don't know what's happening but the moment i tell them what's happening and the answer isn't what they wanted to hear suddenly they know all about it... they have mad logic.

i was at a ladies house last night. her nic card didn't work. i told her that. she's wants to cancel cause it's our fault our shit doesn't work. i connect my laptop and it works.. i show her this.. she refuses to believe the nic is busted. finally i get fucking pissed cause i'm running behind and i need to end it. i open up her pc and pull the nic out... i show her the broken solder points where one of her kids knocked the computer or something and pulled the connector away from the board. it's fucking full on busted... i could have pushed the connector off the board with a feather.. it was barely on. she looks at me and says "well it had to be the clearwire service that did that"

yeah.... the clearwire techs broke into her fucking house when she was sleeping and actually physically pulled the rj45 connector off her mobo.... that's how we fucking roll.... fucking customers are stupid Fuck The World

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how did you settle that argument? Tell her that if she is going to press charges for breaking and entering and defiling her nic card you're going to have to speak with your attorney?

5:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i looked at her boyfriend who rolled his eyes and gave me the "i'll explain it to her irrational ass after you leave" look... so i left

5:43 PM  

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