Monday, July 18, 2005

EZMezzo Said...

Athletes, Cameras and Press Oh My....

Texas Rangers Pitcher Kenny Rogers turned himself into authorities today over assault and battery charges for an incident where the pitcher went on a rampage pushing down a cameraman and breaking his camera during the pregame activities a few weeks ago. This is just the latest incident of a coddled and spoiled athlete acting out in such a way that is reminiscent of a spoiled kid whos has no boundaries.

I can see how a sport like boxing would be proned to this type of behavior...I mean ear biting , head butting, low punching...these activites would be instinct in a real fight on the street, so I could see how it might happen in the heat of the moment. But Baseball???? This is suppose to be a non-contact sport where a guy can get thrown out of a game for "intent" (intent to bean a batter). After hearing about this incident I can safely say no professional sport is safe from this kind of thing. What's next, Tiger Woods wrapping a 9 iron around a spectator because they took a picture in his backswing? Soon you will see Kasparov Throwing chess pieces across the table in the newest sport "full contact chess".

I think the worst thing about the incident is that Kenny wasn't hurt in his little temper tantrum. It seems like baseball players get hurt doing the stupidest activities these days. Like earlier this year a pitcher on the Cubs got his pinkie finger stuck in a recliner chair in the clubhouse. He fractured it and was placed on the Disabled List. If justice would have prevailed Kenny would have torn ligaments in his pitching shoulder while he was playing push-ies in front of 40,000 baseball fans.

If only this would have happened to him...

A pitcher for the Red Sox in the 1920's named Clarence "Climax" Blethen often kept his false teeth in his back pocket. During a game, he slid into second base and his false teeth bit him in the ass. can only dream!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute... some guy hurt his pinkie finger? Well, that can be pretty serious. Where I work, he'd be out for weeks!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


8:41 PM  

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