Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Unknown Said...

Virginians: West Virginians with money?

Can anyone find an instance where Congressman Ellison was "demanding the use of the Koran?"
Obviously, anything from Thinkprogress should be taken with a grain of salt. They have an agenda just like everyone else. The quotes from Goode's letter appear legitimate and can by verified on other sites.

Does the fact that the founding fathers, who were members of a largely homogenous society whose shared religious views were under no threat, found it necessary to put very specific protections for the freedom of religion into the document on which our country is founded mean nothing to people?

Does the fact that this is a nation of immigrants mean nothing to people?

Goode's family came over here on a boat just like everyone elses'.

I wonder why they came. I think if his family came here for better wages and opportunities, or to escape persecution and oppression, or any of the other reasons immigrants come here today we should hold Goode to his own flames and ship his whole damned family back to wherever they came from.


Blogger Unknown said...

OK... i'm surprised nobody has commented on this. just so you are aware: Incoming congressmen such as Ellison do not place their hands on a holy book while taking the Oath of Office. During a private ceremony, later on, there is a swearing in that does use a holy book of choice. However, people being sworn in on something other than the bible is not uncommon. Jews and Mormons have used books other than the bible. I believe there was an athiest once who used a philosophical work concerning ethics. I can't find backup of that on the web so don't hold me to it. Also, Congressman Ellison is not an immigrant. His American Heritage can be traced back to the 1700s. His family has likely been here longer than our friendly asshat flip-flopping congressman from Virginia. A conservative flip-flopper? Oh yes indeed. I mean, as long as we're slinging arrows... he used to be a Democrat! Then an independant. Now he's xenophobic shitheel. Fuck him. Fuck him right in the ear.

5:45 PM  

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