Saturday, December 09, 2006

Unknown Said...

Um... did I see a beaver?

Look, I saw the title. It says "Hit by washing machines falling from 30ft." I thought that sounded hilarious so I clicked on it. I'm sorry, but I did. Well it turns out it's a tribute video for some poor lady who was, apparently, hit by a washing machine.... or something. I dunno. All I know is I thought I'd watch just for the hell of it. There were some shots of her injuries in the video. And... well... it was hard to tell what exactly they were shots of. So... you fuckin' tell me!



Blogger Unknown said...

seriously, at about 1:08 into the video... armpit? badger snatch? back hair? um..

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dunno. strangest video ever. and i didn't see any turtles anywhere! there were some questionable body parts for sure. and what is with the song? could this be the worst tribute ever, also? me thinks.

1:07 AM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

that sir is the upper right thigh on the left(she is lying on her left side) and her belly on the right

and yes,you can see the top of her thatched roof in the middle

as for the song,,,,,why the hell did i not take the headphones of half way through????

2:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

dude... are you sure that's minge? i'm still thinking it could be swolen fat lady armpit.

Ooh baby I'm thinkin' about your axe wound.
Do do do do.
Ooh baby I'm thinkin' about your gash.

6:15 AM  
Blogger metallicorphan said...

swolen fat lady armpit!!,LOL

8:24 AM  

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