Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Unknown Said...

Can't Sleep

Some lady on the 1500 block of 24th Ave woke up yesterday morning to find a stranger in her bedroom. He got in through an unlocked window. That type of crap makes it hard to sleep. God help any poor idiot who climbs in my window when I'm home. I've no doubt he might harm me. I'm not a Kung Fu master. But he isn't going to leave my house in one piece either. I know where all the sharp shit is in my house. I had to hide it from a curious and observant toddler. Anyone breaking in and threatening my family is just asking to get poked with something. That, and I'm a biter.
We just had some sever weather and 2000 people in and around the Twin Cities are out of power. Sucks to be them. A good night to be on call. Perhaps I will make some overtime tonight. Actually, I am not on call but I forgot to hand off the laptop and nextel and whoever is on call either didn't want it or didn't know about it. Sucks to be them too, I guess.
I just scratched a mosquito bite on my leg I didn't know about. Apparently I was scratching it in my sleep last night because I ended up scratching up a scab and staining my sock with blood. I didn't know it was bleeding until I thought I had a bug on my leg and slapped a big splattery handprint over my shin. It's too dark to tell if my hand is all bloody but it smells like blood so I'm betting it is. It's actually a good smell when it's your own. It's not as pleasant when it's someone else's.
Welcome to what the middle of a sleepless night is like for me! I need to start drinking.


Blogger EZMezzo said...

damn dooder...can't sleep that isn't good. You should've gone shizzle scrantoning some dudes on BF.

9:20 AM  

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