Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Unknown Said...

Rage Against The ESRB?

I posted a comment on Digg in response to this story and thanks to the new comment system nobody read it. I decided to post it here.

If I'm stupid please educate me but I really don't know why anyone would rail against the ESRB. I watched the Dark Sector trailer involved. It is pretty graphic. Trailers are generally understood to be approved for all audiences (thanks to the movie industry and the cute little green screen before each one). I didn't see any evidence that they were asking for the game to be changed. Seems like they were only asking that the trailer be a little less.... nasty.

In general isn't railing against the ESRB like peeing on your own feet anyway? When some kid shoots up a school and investigators find he had a copy of San Andreas or whatever we know that somebody will try to blame this kids violent behavior on his exposure to the game. I think there's some pretty clear arguments based on research and on pure freedom to be made that trying to blame real life violence on violent video games is a bunch of crap. However, the people who want to point the blame will point the blame. And they are the people with power. An dfear mongering raises ratings so the media will jump on it like reporters on a school shooting... er... literally.

In those instances isn't the ESRB the savior? If some 9 year old is playing a game rated and clearly labelled for Teens, 17 year olds, or adults only then the content of the game is irrelevant. The affect the game had on the kid is irrelevant. The only relevant fact, at that point, is "Why in all holy f*** were that kid's parent allowing him to play a game that is clearly inappropriate for him?" Or "WTF was the Wal-Mart cashier thinking selling this game to this kid and why is this kid allowed to buy and play games without his parents looking in to what he's up to?" Isn't the ESRB really doing us all a favor?

Well, I guess, if you're a 13 year old who wants to play Manhunt 2 they probably aren't. But good for them. Your 13 year old punk ass doesn't need to be playing Manhunt 2. Why don't you just go back to screaming idiotic homophobic and racist platitudes after every round of HALO 2.


Blogger metallicorphan said...

i am actually pretty upset that Manhunt 2 got banned by the BBFC here in the UK,it was one of few games i actually wanted for the Wii

being 31 years of age,i guess it stumps me more than others on why I myself cant play this game,if i am some mad axe wielding maniac,i would of gone on my rampage long ago,and that game wouldnt of triggered anything

as others have said they(the BBFC) saw fit to give movies like SAWIII or Hostel a 18 certificate while they are meant to be more graphic than manhunt 2...but i guess its the interaction on playing video games which doesnt help,especially when the Wiimote doubles for a blade or a bat to beat or stab the living shit out of people on the screen

1:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

agreed.. that is messed up... it doesn't work like that here in the states... if a game is submitted and is deemed to be too violent they will slap an MA (mature audiences only) on it and you have to be 18 to buy it. even if the ESRB refused to rate it they could probably still sell is as "unrated" and still sell it to legal adults.. although places like wal-mart would probably refuse to carry it.. which is their right, i guess.... the fact that the rating can prevent the game from being sold is really messed up

2:50 AM  

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