Monday, October 24, 2005

Unknown Said...

Creepy Ass Frog Boy

I went to Casey's for lunch today. Casey's is normally quite pleasant. The pizza is good and there seem to be a never ending rotating cast of attractive female station attendants and pizza cooks working there. No such luck today. Today was a sausage fest. Not only was it a sausage fest but one of the "gentlemen" working either has strabismus or some kind of psychological disorder. The "wocky-eye" option seems less likely and here's why. When I left work for Casey's I called my wife so I could talk to my son on the phone. I was using my headset so to anyone who can't see the right hand side of my face it looks like I am talking to myself. By the time I reached Casey's I was deep into a converstaion with my son concerning something along the lines of guckies, pie, and cookies. You'd have to ask him for the details. I pulled right up to Casey's and parked right outside the window. I could see the clerk next to the window. He was less than ten feet from me. It was my dash, my windshield, the front of the car, the sidewalk, the window, and then him in front of me. Several times during my call I noticed him glancing at me and I figured he just thought I was talking to myself. My call ended, however, and as I reached up to take the headset off I noticed he was staring at me. Wierd, right? It's worse than that. Have you ever wanted to look at something but not wanted anyone to notice what you are looking at? The key, in these situations, is to turn your head away from the subject but aim your eyes at the subject. If the subject or any other observers are far enough away that they can't see the whites of your eyes they don't really know which way you are looking. This is called watching someone out of the corner of your eye. Simple enough. What it, however, you are a Casey's cashier and the person you are using this tactic on is not only 8 feet away but also staring right back at you. What do you do? Do you look away? Do you pretent to wipe the glass in front of you as if you were looking at a spec of grit the whole time? Maybe YOU would, but the googley eyed frog man at the Casey's I was at decided to keep stareing. In fact he watched me in this manner, turning his body to follow me, all the way until I entered the store. Then he said "Hey!" as a casual greeting sounding vaguely of "come on." This made me feel like wierd. I had a vague memory flash of a creepy ice cream van driver, a chase, a struggle, and some deeply hidden shame. Thank god I saw that one on Lifetime. It didn't happen to me. Thanks to the wierdo at Casey's, though, I'm scared that it will.


Blogger Something dirty said...

Have you seen Corpse Girl at Casey's? From a distance, she looks nice, healthy. When you get close, you see the grayish tinge, the shadows under her eyes and cheeks. I hate to stereotype and just assume she's on crank, but with cancer or constant vampire attacks, would you still have a part time job?

8:01 PM  
Blogger EZMezzo said...

Googily eyed frog men staring down your bits and pieces. I think you should find a new Casey's to frequent.

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you are just a freak though. :)

12:11 PM  

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