Friday, September 21, 2007

Unknown Said...

Depravity Vs. Malevolence

Is depraved indifference less horrible than actual malice? Could it be worse? Logically, malice would be worse than indifference, right?

Which of these two stories bothers you more?

Depraved Indifference


Interesting twist? Does our respect for animals equal our respect for fellow mankind?

On a seperate but similar note:
I've been disturbed by many things recently (it's not uncommon.. i'm pretty distrubed in general) but a couple of things have been weighing on me. I'm not a vegetarian. I feel anyone who tries to convince me that humans were meant to be vegetarian is a Dukakis hugging moon-maiden. On the other hand I don't want animals to be abused or mistreated. Unfortunately the only way to make sure that the animal products I consume come from animals which are treated humanely is to pay a %20 to %300 premium on the price of said products. I can't do that. I just can't. So what do I do? I don't know. I could become a vegan but I don't think that's for me. I've seen what kind of unduly pious self-righteous hypocritical politically correct illogical alarmist bandwagoneer a vitamin B12 deficiency makes you. I wish I could raise my own chow. If I were a farmer my cows would never see it coming. They'd come in the barn for a sleep and wake up dead or something. I don't know. There has to be a better way to make animals into food than have some hillbilly factory worker pitching live chickens overhand at bins or running through a turkey barn swinging a pipe and shoveling up the ones that get knocked out. Animal testing bugs me too. Do you guys have any idea how much good has come from animal testing? A lot. The ends, however, don't justify the means. Do we really need to be cutting into cat's brains while they are still alive and awake to further research? Growing ears on mice? Making Monkey's watch MTV? Torturing animals is really hard to justify. Were they bad animals? Did these test dogs steal bisquits or poop in no-poop zones? This blog is getting a little long. I didn't really have a point when I started (like normal) and although the anger and frustration is still fresh inside me I just don't have enough energy to keep bitching about it today. In fact I'm thinking of giving up blogging altogether. I don't have the time to research anything or blog about anything truly worthwhile. A joke post here, a funny video there, every once in a while a political or social rant to make myself feel like I've got something to say. It's boring. It's boring to do and it's boring to read.


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